9 Mar 2011

Mardi-Gras, Spring time, Secret Packages, and Updates

So I have been out of commission due to illness and my time being taken up with life matters. So I will be adding a few posts today and some tomorrow on what it is I have been doing while I was preoccupied.

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day aka Mardi-Gras (for those in the USA). For those who actually celebrate Mardi-Gras you know that lovely thing called a King's Cake. Oh yes the icing slathered over a bread-like cake with the little plastic child hidden inside. Well, in the UK I tried to make one...

Such a small slice... so unassuming to the huge cake it came from!
A note to my lovely boyfriend who took this photo: Sorry I had to enhance it.
Taken by Frank.

That is a 9x13in pan. Oh yeah, can you feel the sugar?

It is starting to be springtime here in Edinburgh. Here is a scene I captured earlier in the week:

Nice and misty shall be the theme for spring!

So I am working on a secret project until the end of April, due to the fact the recipient reads this blog. So for now here is a teaser:

Doesn't give it away I would imagine...

Now on to some updates:

  1. I am in the process of finishing the 2 WW kitties (I didn't forget but they take so much energy for me these days that I was a bit slower then I previously thought).
  2. I have been spinning my sushi rolls which I will be taking pictures of later today!
  3. I have been getting through the tea cozy and scarf/hat. 

This illness, caused by something unrelated to everyone's (and now my boyfriend's) illness, has really zapped me of will power. I had a small complication (ok a big one) with stones in my tonsils that masked itself as the cough/cold going around. But one week on antibiotics has done its job! 

So A pic from home (the USA) to cheer me up. Here are my Three Mousekateers! (Taken by my mom).

These are all litter mates.
From Top to Bottom:
Satch, Aeo, and Priscilla.

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